Our Therapists

Julie Brocklehurst - I offer individual and couples therapy. I work with children and young people 11+ and adults

Currently Offering Face-to-Face, Online and Telephone Sessions

Counsellor, BACP Registered Member

Hi I’m Julie I am a qualified Person Centred Counsellor.

Why come to counselling?

I believe that at some point in our lives all of us need help with difficult issues. It may be something that has happened in the past, is happening now or something you might be worried about for the future. It may be just life’s daily stresses. We all lead such busy lives these days and don’t often have time to ourselves to deal with issues we may be experiencing. I feel that getting the right support at the right time for you can make a big difference to your life. Counselling works because it is a time aside, just for you.

What Can I Expect?

People access counselling for many different reasons and the Person Centred Approach can be used for any kind of issues. Together we can talk, confidentially, in a calm environment which will help you to feel at your ease. The trusting relationship which develops between us will enable you to express, at your own pace, how you feel in an honest and open way. I will listen to you with empathy and understanding and without judgement. Bringing issues out into the open can give us new awareness, understanding and perspectives, enabling change to then happen. By using your own unique personal strengths we can explore coping methods, solutions and ways forward that you feel is right for you.

My Experience

Counselling adults who have suffered with issues such as; bereavement, loss of any kind, lack of confidence, relationship issues, depression, stress & anxiety, low self-esteem, work related stress, domestic abuse, parenting issues, life changes.


I am an experienced Problem Gambling  practitioner and am able to support you in making positive changes to your gambling habits. Change is possible with the right support, and can make a big difference to your quality of life, whether you want to stop gambling completely or manage your gambling habits better.


Working in Secondary Education for over 20 years, I have supported young people and families with Social, Emotional & Mental Health issues such as self-harm, anxiety, self- esteem, bereavement, anger management, bullying, friendship issues, family issues, exam stress, organisation etc… My methods of working with young people may include using a variety of creative methods. I will work with young people from 10 years and above.

I also work with couples who may be experiencing relationship issues such as communication, trust and understanding each other. By gaining a deeper understanding of the issues together we can find a way forward to suit your needs.

“This hasn't been my first experience of counselling, but it has been the most effective. Julie has a way of creating a safe space for you to open up and share whatever it is that you're struggling with, without judgement or pressure. She gave me time to tug on each emotional thread and see what unravelled, taking a backseat in order to let me do the necessary emotional work. We approached each session with an open mind and patience, and she always seemed to know just what questions to ask to help me to get to the bottom of how I was feeling. I never felt rushed or talked over because of Julie's soft-spoken and thoughtful ways. Counselling is never easy, because you're facing our problems head-on, but feeling at ease in the presence of a counsellor makes all the difference. I felt very safe with her, which is why I would highly recommend her services to anyone who just needs someone to listen. If I need counselling again in the future, I have no doubts about working with her again.“ L - 2022

I have day and evening appointments available, please contact me to discuss your needs. I look forward to hearing from you.

Appointments and Assessments Adults and Young people £45

Couples Assessment £50

Appointments £70

Contact Details

Phone: 07954 035221 Email: julie@sanctuarycounselling.co.uk

Tony Free - I offer individual and couples therapy. I work with adults and young people 16+

Currently Offering Face-to-Face Sessions

Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapist

Hello. I am Tony, a highly specialist Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapist with over thirty years experience working in the mental health sector for the NHS. Originally training as an Occupational Therapist, undertaking further clinical training in the Psychotherapy field as a Counsellor and Group Psychotherapist and for the last fifteen years working as a fully qualified Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapist in primary care GP settings.

I have extensive practical clinical knowledge and have worked in crisis, in patient, day services, rehabilitation and recovery, employment and early intervention services, enabling pioneering and ground breaking services to become established within the NHS and independent sectors. I have provided clinical supervision to multi disciplinary professionals, supervised students, delivered training and taught on degree and post graduate courses at universities.


Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapy has utilised evidence-based practice over the last fifty years and has developed to become a treatment of choice for many people with mental health and psychological difficulties. I can offer my clinical expertise to anyone who is experiencing psychological distress and wishes to make changes in their life.


With my experience I provide evidence-based interventions from a behavioural, cognitive and most importantly a humanistic perspective, something that I believe is now missing in many talking therapy services with algorithmically driven targets and demands.

If you are having issues in any of the following psychological difficulties I will be able to offer you helpful strategies and potential solutions to the problems you are facing using proven Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapy approaches:

  • Anxiety
  • Health Anxiety
  • Social Anxiety (fear of going out)
  • Panic
  • Obsessive Compulsive both behavioural and cognitive aspects
  • Body Dysmorphia
  • Post Traumatic Stress including Complex Post Traumatic Stress
  • Trauma Focussed CBT Depression and Low Mood
  • Exam and Educational Stress
  • Addiction, Compulsion or Impulse based issues including Gambling, Social Media, FOMO, Shopping, Hoarding
  • Post Rehab Recovery and Management from substance misuse
  • Management of Work Based Stress
  • Managing Unhelpful Emotional Distress
  • Bereavement and Loss including suicide of family members or partners
  • Post Covid Recovery
  • Mindfulness and Systematic Relaxation
  • Improving Self Esteem

My fees are £80 per hour, please contact me to discuss your requirements. I am able to work with anyone over 16 years of age and am fully registered with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC).

Contact Details

Telephone: 07561 102583 Email: iamottony@yahoo.co.uk

Claire Hanley-Stakes - I offer individual, couples and group therapy. I work with children and young people 10+ and adults

Currently Offering Face-to-Face, Online and Telephone Sessions

Counsellor and BACP Member

Hi, my name is Claire. Sometimes it is hard to talk to family and friends and you may just need that one person who takes the time to listen. I offer therapy on both a long- and short-term basis using predominantly a person-centred approach, although I do integrate other ways of working to best suit you and your needs, as we as individuals are all unique. I do appreciate that therapy may be an emotionally challenging experience. So therefore, I will work with you, at your pace, to help you, find your answers. I provide a safe place and time to talk to you, in a confidential environment where you will be accepted for who you are, without any judgement, with the aim to building a genuine therapeutic relationship of respect, empathy and trust.

Therapy can help you resolve complicated thoughts and feelings or find ways to help you live with them. It can help you recognise unhelpful patterns in the way that you think or act and find ways to change, if this is what you want. It can also help you explore and find the root causes of any long-standing problems.

People often look to access therapy when they have experienced difficult life events such as bereavement. This may be the loss of a loved one, a job, a pet or a home. Relationship problems. Upsetting or Traumatic experiences, whether this is something recent or something that happened a long time ago. It may be that you are experiencing difficult emotions, such as grief, guilt, sadness, confusion, anger, shame or low self-esteem. Or you may be struggling with depression, anxiety, other mental health conditions, stress or long-term physical health problems.


As well as working in private practice, I also offer counselling to a non-for-profit Charity Counselling Service in Doncaster for adults and children from the age of 13. I also have 12 years’ experience working for a non-for-profit Charity based organisation supporting Adults, Children and families from various cultural backgrounds with a variety of complex needs. I have particular experience in Domestic abuse, Anxiety, Depression, Stress, Low self-esteem, The impact of suicide and self-harm on the individual, family and friends, Suicidal ideation, Personality disorders, Eating disorders, Learning difficulties, Autism, Complex Trauma, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Sexual / Psychological / Physical abuse and Neglect, Childhood issues, Anger issues, Bereavement, Drug and Alcohol misuse.

My fees are £40.00 per hour. However, where cost may be a problem, I am open to discuss an affordable rate that works for us both. I also offer a discount to counselling students for their own personal therapy.

My availability is Monday to Saturday.

Contact Details

Phone: 07517 175839   

Email: claire.stakes@yahoo.co.uk


Verity Watts - I offer individual therapy. I work with adults 18+

I Have Availability To See New Clients

UKCP Relational Integrative Psychotherapist in Advanced Training

As a trauma-infomed, Relational Integrative Psychotherapist (in advanced training), I work relationally with you to support you with whatever you wish to bring to therapy and I meet you where you are at, in your world, to support you on your journey, tailoring my approach to your needs.

Research shows that the relationship between client and therapist is the most significant factor in the success of therapy. My approach is warm, compassionate, non-judgemental and non-pathologising. I create a safe and trusting space where you can bring your whole self to therapy, every part of you is welcome here.

Having spent much of my own life living in survival mode in my head, disconnected from by body and my feelings, I believe in an embodied approach to be able to reconnect with our whole selves, to others and the world around us. This simply means gently developing our mindful awareness of feelings and sensations that we may have been unaware of. (I also have completed level 1 training in Somatic Experiencing with S.O.S.I. and am a trained mindfulness teacher).

My fees are £35 for a 50 minute session.

My contact details are: Phone: 07982 746302

E-mail: veritylwatts@gmail.com

Dr Hannah Cartmell - I offer individual and couples therapy. I work with adults 18+

Currently Offering Face-To-Face, Online and Telephone Sessions

Clinical Psychologist (DClinPsych) and EMDR Therapist

Clinical Speciality

I primarily draw on Psychodynamic and Transactional Analysis models of therapy to inform my work with clients. Most of my clinical practice focuses on exploration of relationship patterns. This includes the relationship you have with yourself, others and your surroundings and we delve into how this relates to the presenting challenges.

My Approach

My approach is trauma informed as I work with people to understand the core experiences that have led to their difficulties. I utilise this approach as it is more likely to lead to the client experiencing long-lasting change and insight as opposed to pure focus on symptom management. Traumatic experiences consist of anything from a singular traumatic event or ongoing oppression through systemic, societal and family dynamics. In addition, my approach is also informed by systemic theory as I support my clients to become aware of and understand their experience of the systems around them (including family, work, culture, society) and how this has influenced their beliefs and contributed to their challenges.

Professional Ethos & Development

My practice is driven by my personal and professional values. These core values are authenticity, transparency, integrity, freedom, and fun. This has been informed by my experience of studying leadership theory, clinical experience working with clients and what I have learnt through my own personal life experiences.

Training, Qualifications and Experience

I have 10 years’ experience working psychologically in a variety of settings. This includes inpatient NHS and private hospital settings, secondary and primary care and within the charity and voluntary sector. I currently work in an NHS Occupational Health and Staff Wellbeing Service.

Formal Qualifications:

  • DClinPsy Clinical Psychology
  • BSc Undergraduate Degree in Psychology

Advanced Therapy Training:

  • Post Graduate Certificate in Improving Access to Psychological Therapy (Low Intensity CBT)
  • Diploma in Dialectical Behavioural Therapy
  • Diploma in Transformational Life Coaching
  • Foundation Certificate in Transactional Analysis Psychotherapy
  • Diploma in Psychotherapeutic Counselling
  • Advance Certificate in Neurolinguistic Programming
  • ILM Diploma level 5 in Workplace Coaching and Mentoring – in progress

Professional Registrations and Memberships:

  • HCPC (Health & Care Professions Council) Practitioner Psychologist (PYL38712)


£100 per session

Free 30 minute initial telephone or online session

Contact details: 07824 668611 / drhannahcartmell@hotmail.com

Alison Murphy - I offer family therapy, couple and individual therapy

UKCP registered Family and Couple Systemic Psychotherapist


I offer family therapy, couple and individual therapy.  I work with families, parents, couples, adults, children and young people across the age range with a wide range of emotional difficulties.

I prefer to work in person but can be flexible and offer online sessions if needed and appropriate.

Thank you for taking the time to read my profile.  It takes courage to consider therapy and it is important that you find the best fit for yourself/your loved ones.

Systemic Psychotherapy and My Approach

For most people, how we connect with the closest relationships around us is key to our emotional wellbeing.  Systemic psychotherapy views all individuals as connected to the systems we live in whether these are families, couples, friendships or wider society.  We all have strengths and struggles and those around us can help with better shared communication and understanding.    Within this relational model, I accept all perspectives and use a compassionate curiosity to open up conversations, build on your hopes and respect your best intentions.  This approach very much focusses on resilience as well as exploring problematic experiences and interactions. We will talk about the narratives you might hold about yourselves and each other as well as working with connected emotions. 

People need to feel safe in therapy and the therapeutic relationship and I believe this is the foundation for conversations that can create change.  In the free telephone consultation, I will listen to your needs and take some details to help decide if you want to book a session with me.  In the first session, I will clarify your needs, hopes for therapy, explain more about how I work.  We will agree frequency, number of sessions and a review date.  I am also happy to link in with other involved agencies if this helpful.

Systemic psychotherapy pays particular attention to power and difference in society and in relationships, including the therapeutic relationship and so I am mindful of this in conversations.  I will check on an ongoing basis if we are talking about the right things for you and if there is anything I could be doing differently. 

My Experience

I have over three decades of experience working in CAMHS/Adult Mental Health/ Education/ Social Care, mainly in NHS/Local Authority, third sector and private sector.   I have been a systemic psychotherapist since 2003 and a systemic supervisor since 2007.  I have fifteen years’ experience training family therapists/training systemic supervisors, attached to University of Leeds.  My main professional experience has been in CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health), over 25 years where I have had to privilege of learning from families and colleagues from various disciplines working with a wide range of presenting difficulties in adults, children and young people.  I am used to following NICE guidelines which often recommend family therapy/ systemic practice for children, young people and also adults.

The main difficulties I have experience working with include: depression, anxiety, eating difficulties, neurodiversity, attachment difficulties, trauma, abuse, transitions/ loss and emotional dysregulation. I am primarily a systemic psychotherapist but can integrate other models of working where needed and take a flexible approach.  When working with families and younger children, I like to take a playful and creative approach.  I am also a recently trained Mindfulness Teacher and I am trained in Emotion Focussed Couple Therapy.

I also have lived family experience of both neurodiversity and mental health difficulties which I think can add to my compassion and understanding, respecting that everyone’s experience is different.  My commitment for people to achieve the changes they desire, continues to develop through the decades I’ve been lucky enough to do this work.

Professional Qualifications

  • MA in Family and Systemic Therapy (Distinction from University of Northumbria in 2003)
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Systemic Teaching, Training and Supervision, Distinction from Northumbria University, 2008)
  • Diploma in Social Work (Distinction from Northumbria University 1996)
  • Post Graduate Certificate in Education (Distinction from University of Newcastle, 1997)


Initial telephone consultation - Free

Family Psychotherapy: £90 per session

Couple Psychotherapy: £90 per session

Individual Psychotherapy: £85

Supervision: £95

To Arrange a Free Telephone Consultation:

Please email me on alijanemurphy@aol.co.uk or call me on 07906 484307

Laura West - I offer individual therapy to young people 16 plus and adults

Currently Offering Face-To-Face, Online and Walk and Talk Sessions

BACP Registered Counsellor

Hello, I am Laura a qualified person-centred counsellor. I have significant experience as both a counsellor and a mental health practioner supportng individuals who find themselves lost, alone, confused, stuck, depressed, or overwhelmed.

Counselling can be a useful way of exploring difficult and often confusing feelings and emotions. I work by creating a safe, confidential space for clients to explore their worries, concerns, or past traumas in a non-judgmental, relaxed, and comfortable way. By addressing and reflecting on past experiences individuals are often able to move forward positively and with a greater understanding of self and patterns of behaviour.

How Do I Practice?

I am a qualified person-centred counsellor and work by using both solution focused and cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) skills.

I strongly believe that all individuals are capable of growth and positive change. I create a supportive and non-judgemental space for clients to discuss whatever they want to. I aim to support clients to work through their feelings and struggles, whilst enabling them to remain in control.

What Can I Help With?

  • Addictions
  • ADHD and Autism
  • Anger Management and Aggression
  • Anxiety
  • Body Dysmorphic Disorder
  • Career Support
  • Child Sexual Exploration (CSE)
  • Depression and Feelings of Emptiness
  • Eating Disorders
  • Family Conflict and Issues
  • Feeling Sad, Low Mood


  • Grief, Bereavement, and Loss
  • Loneliness
  • Low Self-Confidence and Low Self Esteem
  • Menopause
  • Miscarriage
  • Personality Disorders
  • Phobias
  • Physical/Sexual/Emotional Abuse
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  • Rape and Sexual Assault
  • Recovery from Physical Illness


  • Redundancy
  • Relationship Issues/Affairs/Separation/Divorce
  • Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
  • Self-Harm
  • Sexuality, LGBTQ+
  • Stress
  • Sleep Problems
  • Suicidal Thoughts and Ideations
  • Trauma
  • Workplace/College Bullying

What Is My Experience?

As well as running my private practice, I have extensive experience working for a NHS mental health service in their crisis team. Supporting individuals who are in crisis and experiencing difficulties with their mental health and wellbeing.

CRB checked (enhanced disclosure).

What Are My Fees?

I charge £65 per session.

Counselling sessions are 50 minutes in length.

How Do I Get In Touch?

Contact Details

Phone: 07526 749106   

Email: laurawest2103@gmail.com   

Website: www.laurawestcounselling.com

Les Clark - I offer individual, couples and family therapy. I work with adults and young people

Currently Offering Face-to-Face, Online and Telephone Sessions

Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapist

First of all, what is cognitive behavioural psychotherapy? CBT is an ‘evidence-based’ therapy which uses techniques that have been scientifically researched and substantially proven to have high levels of effectiveness in addressing a full range of psychological disorders and human problems. The overall goal of therapy is to help you to learn to become your own therapist by supporting you to build your own skills and to regain control of your life. Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapy, often shortened to CBT, is a very practical treatment which offers choices to clients about how to make the changes in their lives which they choose.

Contact Details

Phone: 07905 204256 Email: lesclark1010@gmail.com

What Do You Do in Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapy Sessions?

At the start, your difficulties are very clearly identified and mapped out by you and the therapist together. From this, you then identify specifically what you want to change and to achieve and you set some therapy goals. The therapist then works with you offering techniques which are proven to be helpful. In each session, work is designed for you to do; building skills between sessions, a little like a personal fitness trainer would give you exercises to do. This way progress is mapped out and as you move towards your identified goals you record progress to make sure the therapy is valuable and your progress is clear.

Why Come for Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapy?

It is often too difficult to do it alone without expert guidance and support. Also, if you keep doing things the same you get the same results. The skills you will learn, when successful, are designed to be used all of your life, to be healthy psychologically. What kinds of difficulties do I work with? People seek cognitive behavioural psychotherapy therapy for a range of issues. They reach a point in their life where they want to make changes to stop their suffering. Generally speaking, I work with anxiety, depression, and trauma, and I am trained to work with both children and adults. Some examples of work I undertake with clients include:

  • Addictions - Anger
  • Anxiety
  • Panic Attacks
  • Depression
  • Bereavement
  • Life Changes
  • Loss
  • Low Self-Esteem and Confidence
  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
  • Personal Development
  • Phobias
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  • Relationship Issues (Couples and Individual)
  • Self-Harming
  • Sexual Issues
  • Sleep Difficulties
  • Stress
  • Suicidal Feelings
  • Traumatic Experience
  • Work-Related Issues

What is My Experience?

I have been delivering therapy and working in psychological services for more than 30 years. I have worked in many psychological services both NHS and local government, for example, social services, educational psychology service, adult psychological services, secondary and primary care, child and adult inpatient services, and the child and adolescent mental health service. I have been delivering supervision to child and adult therapy services, therapists, medical staff, and psychotherapists for more than 20 years. I have been providing training for mental health professionals over this period too. I am specifically trained to design an effective individual treatment plan for you and your specific difficulties and functioning because no 2 people are alike.

Sharon Atack - I offer individual, couple and family therapy. I work with children 5+, young people and adults.

Currently Offering Face-to-Face, Online and Telephone Sessions


I work with adults, adolescents, children, couples and families. Finding the right therapist is a lot like shopping for a good pair of shoes, you might need to shop around before you find the right pair. So, why me? I have been in your shoes and not known where to start or what matters. So I understand how hard it is to take those first steps on your journey. It is through my own life experiences, and the benefits I received through counselling, that it inspired me to retrain as a counsellor, so that I can now help others who have difficulties in areas of their lives.

Contact Details

Phone: 07486 608081 Email: sharonatack1@gmail.com

Choosing What’s Best for You

Counselling does not mean you are weak or needy; it is about giving yourself the permission and time you deserve to look at your thoughts and feelings. Talking to friends and family can be difficult sometimes as they often want to make it all better and offer you advice, which is very kind but that comes from their perspective not yours. Counselling helps to work out what is the right answer for you. To support that working relationship, I will provide a warm and safe place for you to explore and learn. I will be honest, non-judgmental, and aim to look at the world as you see it. Although I do not possess a magic wand and can make no promises, I can support, guide, and walk with you on your journey. Short or long-term counselling is provided. I offer new clients a free introductory telephone call and in some cases in person chat. This is to help clients know if I am the right counsellor for them. Please visit my website for further
information: www.sharonatackcounselling.co.uk

Magdalena Szczurek (Meg) - I offer individual and couples therapy. I work with teenagers 13+ and adults

Currently Offering Face-to-Face, Online and Telephone Sessions

Counsellor, Member of BACP

I am a qualified and experienced Bilingual Counsellor. I offer a safe and supportive therapy in confidential settings for Adults, Teenagers and Couples where we can explore any difficulties, distress which you may be experiencing or even dissatisfaction with life in many forms therapy like:

  • Face to Face
  • Online Therapy
  • Phone Therapy
  • Walking Therapy

My professional experience provided me with an opportunity to build positive and productive relationships with a range of people from different age groups, various backgrounds and with complex needs.

My Way of Working

In my practice, I use Person-Centred approach although I use many aspects from different approaches like Humanistic, Integrative approach, Gestalt, TA and CBT which means that my role is to help my clients to reach their authentic self by creating a safe environment for them and to make them feel fully accepted by me. By showing you my empathy, we will explore various aspects of your life and feelings, talking about them freely and openly in a way that is rarely possible with friends or family.I also use other techniques in my therapy room such as Russian dolls, emotional cards, stones and other forms of Art therapy. I offer Walking therapy in nature which could help you to concentrate and reveal your hidden emotions or problems if you feel it is right for you and provide health benefits. I offer also Online therapy and Phone therapy which is more convenient because you can connect with me from any place in the world from comfort of your home or any other safe place.


I have been working for many years as an Individual Therapist. I began working in Domestic violence agencies and charities and I spent a couple years in Greater Awareness and Support for People Encountering Drugs. I also have experience with Couples where I supported them with their struggle with everyday stress in their lives which could have negative impacts on their relationship, lack of communication between themselves and a lack of listening and intimacy. Recently I also working with Adolescents (13+) which have their own struggle in everyday life and help them to go through some confusing and difficult challenges.

I am constantly developing myself to make my practice a great place for my clients.

I am available from Monday till Saturday.

My fees start from £35 (depends from type of therapy).

I also offer 30 min free initial consultation on the Phone or Online.

You can get more information about my discount on my website: www.magdalenaszczurek.com

Contact Details

Phone: 07719 737930

E-mail: maszc.31@gmail.com

Tom McSorley - I offer individual therapy. I work with adults 18+.

Currently Offering Face to Face, Online and Telephone Sessions

Counsellor, Accredited Member of BACP

I am a professionally trained and qualified BACP Accredited counsellor providing 1 to 1 counselling for adults.

Whatever your reasons for seeking counselling, I believe it should be an empowering process, where you learn more about yourself and the person you would like to become. You can expect me to listen, put you first, to be understanding, respectful and non-judgemental. Together we can learn new perspectives and strategies enabling you to cope with any difficulties you may be facing.

I am trained in person-centred counselling and believe we all have innate resources to fulfil our potential and live satisfying lives. Yet,
there are times in our lives when we are unable to see ways through our difficulties. Over several years I have worked with many people experiencing a broad range of complex issues, which they often perceived as insurmountable, enabling them to adapt, cope and thrive. I also consider other theories to compliment my practice such as Emotion Focused Therapy, Transactional Analysis and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy.

My Experience

I have for many years worked in public sector emergency services. I have worked for a national bereavement service for several years, where I still fulfil a training role. Until recently I have also worked for a large prominent national mental health charity.

My fees are £45.00 per hour.

I am happy for an initial telephone conversation prior to commencement to discuss whether counselling will meet your needs.

Contact Details

Phone: 07961 270698

Email: tommcsorleyleeds@yahoo.co.uk

Sue Crossland - I offer individual and couples therapy. I work with adults 18+

I'm sorry I don't have any availability at the moment.

Individual and Couples Therapist, BACP Accredited Member and EMDR Therapist

Hi, I’m Sue. I am a warm, approachable BACP Accredited therapist, offering counselling and psychotherapy to individuals and couples experiencing mental health and emotional difficulties.
I have over 20 years’ experience of working offering short-term and long-term therapy in various voluntary organisations, private practice and I have worked for over 9 years offering counselling within the NHS to individuals and couples experiencing depression, anxiety and stress.

How I Work

Exploring your issues in therapy can lead to a better understanding of yourself and how you think, giving you a clearer understanding of your problems. I work with you, at your pace, to facilitate you finding your own answers, and making the changes you want to your life; either externally or within yourself, to enable you to move forward.
I aim to build a therapeutic relationship with respect, empathy, and genuineness and to provide a safe, non-judgemental, confidential environment where you are listened to and accepted for who you are. I work using predominantly a person-centred approach, although I do integrate elements of emotion-focused therapy, transactional analysis, and CBT; drawing on many useful resources to enable me to meet your individual needs.

I am also a qualified EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing) therapist. EMDR is best known for PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) but it can also help people deal with other distressing experiences and the ongoing issues this has then caused.

My Experience

I have extensive experience of working with people experiencing depression, anxiety and stress and the life events that have influenced this; childhood issues, abuse, low self-esteem, difficulties expressing anger, sexual issues, health problems, relationship issues, bereavement, trauma and childhood trauma. I also have specific experience of working with issues of work stress and burn out.

Couple Therapy

I work with couples who are experiencing difficulties in their relationship. I aim to facilitate you improving your relationship through working together on the things that are creating unhappiness. This can help you both move on from stuck and often difficult patterns of interaction. This in turn can lead to a happier and more fulfilling relationship. Couple therapy can help improve your communication, manage difficulties and work towards resolving the problems in your relationship.

Common issues that bring couples to therapy:

  • Lack of trust
  • Jealousy
  • Lack of communication
  • Different sexual needs or other sexual issues
  • Family conflicts
  • Betrayal or an affair
  • Controlling behaviour
  • Financial issues
  • Life changes
  • Repeating patterns of stress in the relationship

My fees are £50 for individual sessions and £60 for couple therapy.

My fees for EMDR sessions are £80 for 1 hour.

Contact Details

Phone: 07842 497486

Email: suecrossland.counsellor@outlook.com

Sarah Jaiyeola - I offer individual therapy. I work with adults 18+

Currently offering Face-to-Face, Online and Telephone Sessions

Accredited CBT and EMDR Psychotherapist

Hi there

My name is Sarah, and I am an accredited psychotherapist with many years of experience supporting people with mental health problems.

What Do I Offer?

I am trained and accredited in Cognitive Behavioural therapy (CBT) and Eye Movement Desensitisation Reprocessing (EMDR). CBT helps to understand how our thoughts, emotions and behaviours are all interlinked and to make changes to our thoughts and behaviours to affect how we feel. EMDR is an anxiety and trauma focused approach aimed at gaining some distance and perspective on intense feelings and traumatic memories so they are not so overwhelming.

Why Work With Me?

I am warm, none judgemental and caring. I will work with you as an equal to help you to untangle the difficulties you are having so that it doesn’t feel so overwhelming. We can then work together to help you with those difficulties in a way that feels supportive and safe.  I have worked in mental health for 14 years within the NHS and in private practice. I am also a supervisor for both CBT and EMDR in the NHS.

What Can I Help With?

  • Depression

  • OCD

  • Anxiety

  • Panic

  • Social Anxiety (fear of social judgement)

  • Low Self Esteem

  • PTSD

  • Health Anxiety


'I worked with Sarah for 11 sessions, Sarah has rebuilt my life, and I can't thank you enough. You are a great listener, very professional, and know your job inside out. I can't recommend Sarah enough.'

'I came to Sarah only a few months ago now for help with social anxiety. Even in such a short space of time I have noticed a positive change both in myself and in my way of thinking. The mindfulness techniques Sarah teaches me are not only useful during our sessions but also in day to day life scenarios. Sarah is very logical, patient and positive in her delivery which makes every session comfortable and enjoyable.'


‘I feel so much more positive and know I have tools and techniques available to me to maintain this.’


‘Sarah is a great listener and CBT therapist. I have worked with Sarah twice now during my life – the first time, Sarah supported me through post-natal depression and helped me to eradicate OCD tendencies from my life and more recently, Sarah has worked with me again during a worrying and anxiety provoking period of time. Sarah coached me to be able to use CBT methods to help combat my worry and anxiety with a plan in place to live in line with my values. Thanks so much again, Sarah – your support has been invaluable.’


My fees are £80 per session for all 1 hour sessions.

Christina Marsh - I offer individual therapy. I work with adults 18+

Currently Offering Face-To-Face, Online and Telephone Sessions

Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist, BPC Accredited

I’ve been a qualified psychotherapist since 2009, later completing a Masters Degree in York and more recently a four year training with the Tavistock and Portman Foundation Trust. Further training has included DIT (Dynamic Interpersonal Therapy) – A 16 week structured
psychotherapy for mild to moderate depression and EMDR training to work with people who have suffered trauma.

My working experience is varied – currently I work for the NHS in Adult Mental Health. Prior to this I worked in CAMHS (Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service) specialising in Eating Disorders. I have also worked with clients around Alcohol & Gambling Mis-use and Personality Disorder.

My model of working is predominantly Psychoanalytically Informed Psychotherapy …. What’s
that you may wonder? Below is one NHS description that may help you decide whether you
would find this approach beneficial to your needs at this time.

The Theory of Psychoanalytically Informed Psychotherapy

Helping people look in to their personality and understand themselves more can help to resolve conflicts arising from past experience and to improve patterns of relating to oneself and others. PIP aims to uncover parts of our mind that affect us but that we are not aware of called the “unconscious”.


Our unconscious mind influences how we think about ourselves and other people in our life. For example how our personality is shaped by our many different experiences of birth, childhood relationships, sexuality, love and hate, loss and death, health and illness and so on. These experiences form patterns of relationships, feelings, thoughts and imagination. We develop unconscious patterns of how we see the world and how we think the world sees us. Sometimes these patterns become fixed and can make us unhappy and may be at the root of symptoms that trouble a person.


PIP offers a reliable space to explore a person’s unique unconscious patterns of relating in sessions with the therapist. The theoretical word for this is “transference”. A Psychodynamic Psychotherapist will focus on the transference and therefore may seem less sociable or immediately reassuring than other therapists who perhaps act more like a coach or a friend. They will be attentive and empathic but will be neutral keeping personal feelings and reactions private. The PIP therapist will be interested in the way you are relating to him/her and how this could link to other relationships in your life. The therapist will be trying to identify deeper layers of your personality that could be at the source of troubling thoughts and behaviour.


There is an initial assessment (this is between two and three sessions) to explore whether this is the approach for you and whether we can work together to achieve your goals. There is a charge of £35.00 for these sessions. If you feel comfortable with this model of therapy (and me) then sessions are weekly on the same day and at the same time. Each session lasts 50 minutes. The fee is £45.00.


Email: christinamarsh1@btinternet.com 

Mobile: 07831 611964

Clare Walters - Currently Offering Face-To-Face, Online and Telephone Sessions

Relationship Coach

Hi, I can help you to build a warmer and closer relationship with your spouse and with the other people in your life. I will teach you tools that help you get your point of view across and be heard, create a more supportive and trusting partnership and build a better bond where you currently feel frustrated, hurt and unhappy.

Contact Details

This Coaching Is For:

  • Couples wanting to revitalise and rekindle the love in their relationship
  • Separated parents wanting to calmly and respectfully work together to care for their loved ones
  • People wanting a better relationship with their teenager, parent-in-law, step-child,
    friend or business colleague

It Will Give You The Tools To:

  • Develop clear and respectful lines of communication
  • Keep emotionally steady and develop an arena of calm
  • Give each other space to explore, express your feelings and build trust
  • Learn how to negotiate compromises that will work for you both
  • Agree on a plan that will support you both to continue strengthening your relationship

You can attend as a couple or as an individual. After an introductory meeting I usually work with you separately anyway, only meeting with you together when this seems necessary.

The rate is £70 an hour. If you are coming together I recommend an initial 2-hour session, and if you need more after this we can agree a programme which will involve ‘homework’’ and meetings with me together or separately depending on your individual challenges. These sessions will be timed to bring the best results.

I am a relationship coach with 20 years’ experience and a qualified psychotherapist - I use a range of approaches in a flexible way; an author; a director of two companies, one a training company where we offer post-graduate training to coaches and therapists and the other offering coaching in the community; a Mum of four and the humble survivor of various relationship challenges of my own over the years.

“When we came to you I thought we had had it, I couldn’t see how we could sort things out. After four sessions things are the best they have ever been and I am developing strong relationships with my step-children. I couldn’t be happier.”

Contact Details

Contact us, in Wakefield, West Yorkshire, to arrange a therapy session with a counsellor.

Get In Touch

Proudly Serving Clients throughout Wakefield and the Surrounding Areas