Professional Therapy Courses in Wakefield, West Yorkshire


Here at The Therapy Rooms, we deliver quality therapist training for certified therapists and counsellors. Our range of therapy courses aim to assist you in feeling confident with a range of potential clients, and offer specialised training in working with specific issues. At our site, in Wakefield, West Yorkshire, we supply day-long courses where you learn from some of the very best in the field.

Events Calendar

Our calendar for 2024 includes:

All our training days are 9.30am - 4.30pm

About Our Trainers

Jill Ulman Bsc PGCE & Sue Crossland BACP Accred

Sue Crossland and Jill Ulman are both experienced accredited counsellors who are also qualified supervisors and couples’ therapists. They jointly hold nearly 30 years’ experience of working within the profession and strive to acknowledge the importance of self-awareness and sensitivity within the work.

They each have a wide range of experience of writing and delivering various training for Colleges, Charities, the NHS and other organisations. They hold a joint belief that continuing personal development is essential within the therapy vocation. They are passionate about supporting people in the self -management of recovery and growth and enjoy working creatively to offer stimulating and engaging training.

How We Work

Our workshops are experiential to enable counsellors to participate and develop their own understanding.

Throughout the day we offer:

  • Group reflection and discussion
  • New tools and handouts to enhance the learning experience
  • Time to explore, discuss and practice the new skills introduced

Working Creatively - £75

This workshop aims to introduce alternative ways of working creatively, to enhance the therapeutic relationship. The key areas we will look at on the day are:

  • What is creative working?
  • How to prepare for the work
  • Introducing different mediums to engage clients
  • Using creative tools to overcome a client’s psychological barriers
  • Exploring the impact of using creativity in therapy

Working with a Brief Therapy Model - £75

Many organisations offer a brief focused model of therapy. This workshop will help you to develop the skills needed to work in this way. The key areas of the day are:

  • How to carry out an assessment for short-term therapy
  • How to work to a short-term model of therapy and incorporate this into your practice
  • Tools for working short-term 

Inner Child Workshop (3 Days) - £225

Have you found yourself struggling with clients who present themselves with childhood issues, finding that the person-centred approach is just not enough? Inner child work is a powerful therapeutic tool that uses a combination of person-centred, transactional analysis, and NLP approaches. It works with clients who present with a wide range of issues that are affecting their adult lives. It facilitates the client reaching back to their difficult childhood; the root of their issues, working through understanding how their childhood is affecting them now, but then dealing with their childhood issues.

The Course

Inner child work transforms client’s lives and leads to lasting positive change. This is an experimental workshop so you will be expected to take part in an exercise we present as though you were a client.

This allows you to learn through reflection on your experiences. The workshop covers:

  • How Childhood Issues Affect Adulthood
  • Suitable Clients for Inner Child Work
  • Extensive Tools for Inner Child Work

Further Information

Lunch is not included in our courses, but drinks and tea-break refreshments are provided throughout the day.

Working with Anger (2 Days) - £150

We all feel anger, but inappropriate expression of anger can lead to destructive behaviour and have a devastating impact on our client's lives. The key areas of this two day course are:

  • Identifying different anger styles
  • Learning the difference between rage (old anger) and 'here and now' anger
  • Creative tools for anger work
  • Learning new skills to facilitate your clients expressing anger healthily

Working with Suicidal Clients - £75

A suicidal client is difficult and scary. This workshop helps you to feel confident working with a suicidal client. Key areas looked at include:

  • Personal Attitudes towards Suicide and How That Impacts on the Therapeutic Relationship
  • How to Identify the Factors That May Lead to a Client Being Vulnerable to Suicide
  • How to Discuss Suicide with Clients
  • Helping a Client Stay Safe
  • How and When to Break Confidentiality

Other Workshops We Offer

Working with Bereaved Clients

This workshop aims to give coping strategies to you while providing new tools for working with bereavement. The key areas this day will look at are:

  • Cultural Differences towards Bereavement
  • Grief Reactions
  • Bereavement Theories
  • Myths Around Bereavement

Get in touch with us, in Wakefield, West Yorkshire, to learn more about our therapist training and therapy courses.

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Proudly Serving Clients throughout Wakefield and the Surrounding Areas